Fairytale Shower & Weekend Recap

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

This weekend was such a great one! I headed up to Akron early on Saturday for Abby's baby shower. This is her first baby, and we were all so excited to celebrate and shower her with gifts! The theme of the party was "Rustic Fairytales" and it turned out beautifully - thanks to our amazing friend Andrea (who should be a party planner)...she thought of everything!

Note the gorgeous (and absolutely delicious home made cake pops ;) 
I may or may not have had like 4 of them.

We had the shower at Uncorked Wine Bar in downtown Akron 
(for us, this is a totally appropriate and acceptable location for a baby shower ;)

I completely forgot to snap a picture of all the gifts, and the painted canvas I made her for the baby's room! DIY fail. I'll have her send me a picture of it hung up in the nursery so I can share it with you! I was nervous about it because I'm not such a crafty person, but I think this turned out pretty good, and she absolutely loved it!

Belle of the Ball (Abby) and my other gorgeous bestie, Alissa.

Big Sis and I <3

Funny story (funny now - not when it happened)...Andrea was making punch and asked me to come help...and just as I walked over, a container of bright red juice concentrate (you know the frozen kind?) burst open ALL OVER my white lace dress. Time literally stood still and it looked like someone had just been murdered...all over me. But, thanks to a little whole bottle of seltzer water and fast acting, we were able to get every last speck of red out! These pictures were taken after it happened...which is ah-mazing, since I thought the dress was for sure ruined!

Andrea, Alissa, Abby, and yours truly.
We are each others soul mates. I feel so blessed that we found each other in life...it's so crazy when we talk about it, because there are so many things that happened just perfectly for us all to end up together...it was fate :) 

On another note - we have been bffs for almost 10 years and this is one of only two pictures of the four of us that is perfect. All others are not quite as sober or appropriate. ;)


  1. I love the theme! Such cute little touches.

  2. What a cute baby shower!! I totally would have never guessed you had anything spilled on you let alone something that exploded all over!!

  3. You spilled RED juice all over that dress???? I never would've known...you're good!! :)

  4. Great shower theme! A baby shower at a wine bar sounds about perfect hah.

  5. Oh my gosh so happy your dress wasn't ruined!! Looks like a great shower!

  6. Haha! "Not so sober or appropriate" :) That's cute! Looks like a beautiful shower! Glad your dress didn't get ruined! :)

  7. This looks like such a fun shower! The decorations are adorable and the food looks delicious!


emily kay