ABC's of Me
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
ABCs of Me Saw this post on Katie's blog the other day and thought it was so cute! Decided to fill it out myself...
A - Age: 26
B - Birthday: January 12th
C - Color: White
D - Drink: Unsweetened ice tea
E - Eyes: Light brown (amber?)
F - Flashback: some of my best girlfriends from high school and I on the last day of senior year - senior prank day! So glad someone snapped this picture of all of us :) too bad it was taken in a time before digital cameras - so the quality sucks...

From L to R: Me, Roxanne, Lindsay, Ashley, Jill, Danielle, and Rachel in front.
Roxanne is still one of my best friends to this day, and Rachel's brother is actually marrying my other BFF, Michelle, this spring! (The wedding I am MOH for ;)
H - Hobby: Dance – been a huge part of my life since I was a kid, I can’t wait until I have more time to take classes once I’m done with grad school!
I - Indulgence: Graeter’s ice cream and / or Cadbury’s Mini Eggs
J - Job: Program Assistant (Dean’s Office) at Ohio State University
K - Kiddos: One day…and probably just one J
M - Music: favorite type is House, favorite singers / groups are Sting (LOVE!), Coldplay, Zero 7, Blue Six, Michael Franti…I could go on & on
N - Nickname: Em, Emmy
O - One Wish: for Aaron to find a job that he loves, and that I was done with school already! Oh, and winning the Mega Millions would be nice too ;)
P - Pets: Sweetie Deeds! (our Doberman puppy Deedee) She gets called about 50 different nicknames, and never her actual name ;) We also have a grumpy cat named Hazel :)
R - Residence: 1890’s Victorian home in downtown Columbus, Ohio…beautiful, but full of projects that need done!!
T - Temperature: 75 and sunshine, wish I could have it every single day…although I do love a crisp fall day too! I'll just live wherever I can rotate between summer and fall year-round...does that place exist??
U - University: University of Akron (undergrad) and Ohio State University (grad)
V - Vehicle: white Mazda 2, aka “the go cart”
W - Worst Habit: used to be biting my nails, but I stopped! Now, probably using a tanning bed from time to time :-/
X - XRays: none! Wait, do teeth count at the dentist?
Y - Yuck: snobs, the sound of stepping on crunchy snow, broccoli, intolerance, alarm clocks, the smell of blooming Dogwood trees
Z - Zodiac: Capricorn, through and through
Five on Friday ~ 3.21.14
Friday, March 21, 2014
beautyHappy Friday ladies! We made it to the weekend ;)
Sorry I've been a bit blog-absent this week...the only excuse I have is that it was tricky getting back into the school swing after over a week off for "spring break".
I am starting to get a bit burnt out...and my vacation days are piling up, so it's about time to plan a mini-break (from both school AND work). We don't have the funds to go anywhere extravagant this year, but I'm thinking a mini trip to somewhere like Put-In-Bay or Marblehead (once the weather warms up) would be perfect. You can rent little cottages on the island...and I'd love to just relax, walk around, and lay out in the sun for a week. Need to get on this though, as May is my "break" from school, which doesn't leave much time to plan.
I'm excited to be trying out a new local restaurant tonight! Aaron and I love finding new, interesting places to eat, especially that are specific to the downtown neighborhood we live in. My boss and his wife are taking us out tonight to Barcelona in German Village (for my birthday - which was in January - haha we are very bad at planning things). The menu looks delicious and I would love if the weather was nice enough to sit on this gorgeous patio!
React Faster...
Curse you Forever 21...I find something I like, and then go back to order the next day, and it's already out of stock (with no hopes of being re-stocked). I wanted this dress for a couple of things I have coming up in the spring (baby shower, parties, etc).
I need to learn from this, and act next's not always best to think out purchases like this - because I end up missing out! Ergggh.
PS...what stylist picked these clunky black shoes to pair with this dress? Fired.
Give In?
Not going to lie - although I get hooked into watching the show sometimes, I'm not a huge fan of the Kardashians. BUT, I have been intrigued by their beauty line. I pass it all the time in the stores, and wonder if it's any good. Has anyone tried anything from it? I'm interested in the nude lip gloss and the false eyelashes, but don't want to give in if it's really not worth if you've tried it any opinions would be helpful! ;)
Why don't I own one of these already? I try to clean my makeup brushes about once a week, and then lay them flat on a small towel to dry (which I know isn't good for them)...this Benjabelle Brush Tree is so perfect. Waiting for it to come back in stock in white (of course)...then going to order it asap!
Find it HERE
Well, that's all folks! Have a gorgeous weekend! I'm SO excited for some sunshine and warm temps!! xx
Five on Friday ~ 3.14.14
Friday, March 14, 2014
fashionHappy Friday ladies!! This week flew by for me and I'm exhausted (what's new??)
Linking up with a lot of lovely ladies for Five on Friday!
This heartwarming quote I found on Instagram the other day...warm fuzzies...and exactly how I feel about a certain someone ;)
Hallelujah!! For I have discovered the "sock bun" scrunchie that is big enough to hold all of my hair!
The roll down ones just weren't cutting it - but this one that snaps works perfectly! Win.
You can find it at H&M for $5
Finally getting around to wearing this fabulous sweater that Aaron got me for Xmas - I love it!
And it was warm enough this week to wear it without bulking a big winter jacket onto of it :)
Found a cargo jacket!
I mentioned a few posts back that I was searching for one - and I found one from Forever 21 that is perfect.
I am almost out of my all-time favorite highlighter (MAC's Silver Dusk) and I almost had a heart attack when I went on the website and couldn't find it! But it was just hiding ;) I'll be re-ordering this very shortly as it is amazing and I have no need to even try any other highlighters. Plus it lasts me a million years because it is so shimmery, you only need a tiny bit each application.
Just gonna sneak a quick picture of the Deeds in here, because why not?
She was super excited to get outside in the sunshine and go on some walks this week!
Have a great weekend!! xx
Weekend Wrap-Up
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
AkronThis weekend was super busy - but so much fun!!
On Saturday morning, Aaron and I packed up the car and head up to Akron. That evening we went out for dinner with our best friends to celebrate Abby's birthday (striped shirt). It was a great time, but the place - 3 Palms Pizzeria - was EXTREMELY disappointing. I actually have never had such a bad dining experience. I felt bad because it was Abby's birthday and she just wanted an awesome dinner with her closest friends, and the restaurant kind of ruined that. But, we went to one of our favorite bars after and all was good again!
Winter time + Flash Photography = me looking like I'm out of one of the Twilight movies...summer needs to get here asap so this girl can get some color!! ;)
Sunday was my best friend's bridal shower (I'm the Maid of Honor). I didn't host this, since I live out of town it wasn't feasible, so her aunt and cousin planned and hosted. I will be hosting the bachelorette though, which I am super excited for!
Michelle came over early and we got ready together...I did her hair and makeup so she could relax, then we head over to the shower around noon. It was a good time, exhausting though! Events that have tons of people I don't know and have to interact with just drain me...I'm truly an introvert ;)
I'm still editing some of the pictures from the shower for her, but I'll share when they are done!
Is anyone else still exhausted from the time change? I am still tired and can't seem to get enough sleep to catch up!
Five (plus one) on Friday ~ $30 and Under
Friday, March 7, 2014
bargainHappy Friday!!
As always, linking up with the gang for Five on Friday...
This week, I've found some great items at Target and Forever 21 - and everything is $30 or under!
Forever 21 Items:
Target Items:
I'm really loving the two wide leg pants and those d'orsay knock-off flats! And you could all these trendy pieces for just over $ know I love a good bargain! ;)

Aaron and I are off to Akron this weekend for Abby's birthday and Michelle's bridal shower, busy busy...but it's going to be a great time and I'm so excited to see so many of my good friends!! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend too! xx
Earth Tones ~ Living Room Decor
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
decorI would LOVE a big, distressed / aged dark leather chair...I've loved pieces like this since seeing Carrie's chair from Aiden in SATC ;)
I really like the texture and look of flatwoven, natural fiber rugs, such as this one from Ikea - I believe it's called the Tarnby.
I saw this fantastic acrylic coffee table in Hope's living room when she posted about her apartment decor and I fell in love with it! So simple and modern, but funky - perfect twist for a room!
I've posted about these amazing Restoration Hardware faux fur throws day the "wolf" one will be mine, it's only a matter of time (and saving) ;)
As for decor - I love mixing interesting pieces...stainless steel candle holders from Crate and Barrel, a woven Ikea table lamp...and you all know how much I love Buddha pieces - I would scatter them around my entire house if I could. I love this silver wall panel and wooden Weeping Buddha.
What types of decor does your dream living room have??
Hope you are all having a great week so far! xx
March Favorites
1) Laughing Cow Cream Cheese - literally eat it every day for my mid-morning snack (I get up really early, so I have to eat something around 10:30 am because there is no way I can make it from 6 am until lunch without eating in between ;) I love this with crackers, especially Triscuits!
2) Spring Break is next week! I still have to work, but I get an entire week off of school - it'll be so nice to get to relax after work for once instead of running to class or catching up on homework/readings.
3) Cotton On - if you haven't checked out their basics before, you really should! I ordered three shirts a couple of weeks ago and already have worn them each multiple times - with leggings, with skinny jeans, even to bed! They are SOO soft and versatile - and not very expensive!
4) Has anyone been watching Vikings on the History Channel? Aaron just found it on Amazon Prime the other week and we watched the entire first season in a couple of day! The second season just started back this week and it is crazyyy - we love shows like if you like Game of Thrones, check this out!!
5) Unsweetened Ice Tea - I cannot get enough of it! Aaron and I literally go through gallons a week. We brew it at home and then cool with lemon wedges in the fridge, and have a supply for the week. It's probably my all-time favorite drink!
6) Smith's Rose Balm - I have been using this every day since Shelby recommended it for dry skin and I remembered I had some in the back of my makeup drawer! It's great for dry lips, but I've also used it around my nose (my skin gets super dry there in the winter) and on my hands. Such a great multi-use product, and it smells so good! :)
What are your March favorites??
Snow, snow, go away...
Monday, March 3, 2014
easy bake ovenWell, I'm completely over the snow - it was nice for a bit, but it's gone on too long now and I'm ready for spring!! I can't wait until it starts to warm up and I can wear dresses and flip flops again :)
I did take advange of the fresh snow and get some pictures with Deedee since we hadn't snapped any pictures of her first winter (crazy dog-mom talk ;) I wanted to make sure we got one with snow on her nose, because everytime she goes out she sniffs around and gets it all over her face, which I think is just too cute!
The camera comes out and she immediately turns her face away - typical.
It was a pretty quite weekend overall. I did get a blast from the past on Sunday though...Aubrey and I did Easy Bake Oven! Did any of you have one of these as a kid?? They used to be so much fun :)
Anyway - it took about 30 seconds to stir the ingredients and then 10 minutes per pan to cook each part of the cakes. Which with one pan - meant about 5 minutes of actual "fun" and 40 minutes of waiting for a lightbulb to cook our "cake". Aubrey loved it though - so it was worth it :)
This is what we picked to make - looks delicious right??
Nailed it.
Oh well - she thought they were delicious which is all that matters!
(FYI: I didn't touch them - not even worth the calories - I'll just take a girl scout cookie instead haha)
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