Marin's 1st Birthday

Friday, May 25, 2018

My little bird turned one year old last Friday! 

I can't believe it - this year has totally flown by... and Marin is looking more and more like a toddler, and less like a baby every day. In all honesty, it has been really bittersweet watching my daughter get older - because while it is so exciting to see her learn and grow with each stage, I feel this underlying sadness that she is not a baby anymore. It is hard to explain, do any of you other mamas out there get this same feeling?? 

Anyway, we had her 1st birthday party last Sunday up in Akron with all of our friends and family. It was held at Aaron's parent's house, mainly in their backyard, which was amazing because the weather was perfect and all the kids could run around and play!

Mother's Day 2018

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

This past weekend could not have been more perfect. Even thought I was 36 weeks pregnant with Marin last year at this time...this was my first Mother's Day with her here, so it was super special. Aaron has been celebrating this day for me for quite a few years now, since I have been in Aubrey's life & helping raise her, since she was 4 years old. So it wasn't my first Mother's Day, but it was still a special one. I think this might even be my new favorite day of the year!

Recent Empties

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Cruelty free skin care

Hi friends - long time no see! I had to take a little step away from blogging for a few weeks because life got crazy. We lost a person at work for awhile, so I was picking up extra duties in the office and also clocking some major overtime on the nights and weekends. In addition to my work life exploding, we've been working on the house again and getting all the planning ready for Marin's first birthday. Busy, busy! 

I wanted to share some products that I've recently used up. I like reading posts like this to learn about new things, and get people's honest opinions on I hope you like reading them too. Let me know if you have tried any of these things, or what you have used up recently!

emily kay