Wednesday Ramblings
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
christmasThis weekend I broke down and started decorating for Christmas.
I honestly usually wait until after Thanksgiving...but now that Aaron and I own our house, I have been getting really excited for holidays...and I want to start building a collection of decorations!
But I already ran into the first obstacle...when did Christmas decorations start costing an arm and a leg?
I went to Target with great ideas - and could have executed said ideas, if I felt like spending $300...and that's not even including the tree! Yikes - I guess I was naieve, since I have never really decorated anything more than an apartment before.
I did end up getting a few things and it turned out pretty well, I think ;)
BUT come Janurary, you bet your ass I am going to be there buying up all the discount/clearance Xmas items for next year! ;)
Decorated banister and pathetic tree.
Funny story - Aaron 'Googled' how to prune my hibiscus tree for the winter and this happened...pretty sure it wasn't supposed to look like that, and it cracks me up every time I look at it. He still thinks it's going to grow back ;)
More garland and lights on the bookcase.
The mantle - SO excited to finally have a fireplace to hang stockings on!
I snapped a quick picture of the Target coat I posted about last week...
(Please excuse the ugly work bathroom and the fact I look like a bag lady - I had class after work that night ;)
And to wrap it all up...this little gem!
Three cheers for today being the last day of the work week!
This will be me - running towards the door at exactly 4:30 - if not earlier ;)
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! xx
Weekend Wrap-Up
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
clothesThis weekend felt so short after the long weekend and short week we just had!
Aaron and I got a lot done though, and still found plenty of time to relax before heading back to work on Monday.
I needed something classic for work, that will last a long time, but wasn't "boring". I feel like so many coats are just...blah. Either cheap looking, or not the exact style I am looking for...
I really wanted to find something a bit different, but that wasn't too trendy either. Always asking too much aren't I? ;)
Anyway...Laura posted this gorgeous jacket a week or so ago and I was so excited! It was even from Target (which = no scary price tag)...I couldn't get there fast enough haha! I think I went out and tried it on the next day. I ended up getting it in black (for some reason the camel color didn't look as nice in person) but I ordered it offline because there were two coupon codes - 20% off and free shipping!
It has been so perfect - I'll post some outfit pictures with it soon :)

While ordering my jacket I stumbled across the CUTEST thermal pj set - so naturally, they made it into my shopping cart as well (it's ok, there was 20% off, remember? ;)
I've been eyeing the Victoria's Secret thermal pjs for awhile, but haven't bought them yet, as they are like $60 (really? for cotton pjs?) I was excited that these were only $20!
If you can't tell - those a little foxes all over the leggings.
And those awesome socks are from Forever 21 ;)
Date night consisted of pizza (shocker). We got Yellow Brick again and decided to try their new special for November called "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner".
Now, I was very skeptical, because this pizza consists of some odd ingredients...chicken (duh), corn, red onion, cranberries, mashed potatoes (as the "sauce") and then gravy after being baked. But I gave it a chance because some of their pizzas that sound the weirdest, actually taste the best.
This was AMAZING. Basically, it tasted like Thanksgiving dinner on a pizza. I couldn't shut up about it and we will probably have to order it again this weekend ;)
I also grabbed myself a treat at the grocery store - something that I love, but don't each too much.
Crusty french bread, brie, and blackberry jam.
Bake the cheese in the oven until warm and melty - add some jam - dip in pieces of crusty bread.
So simple and just DELICIOUS.
You need to try if you haven't!! It's the perfect snack for girls night, my friends and I always end up making it when we get together.
Finally, just wanted to share that I made a button for my blog - it's over on the side bar if anyone wants to "grab" it! I've added some buttons of my favorite daily reads too! :))
Have a great week!! xx
Current vs. Dream Makeup Storage
Thursday, November 14, 2013
homeWell, I have been wanting to update my makeup storage for awhile I thought I would do a post on how it is currently organized, and then I'll do an updated one once it is re-organized :)
I have a "nook" in our bedroom where I put my vanity (stool is missing - currently needs reupholstered, so I don't use it) and store my makeup.
The left drawer holds my face products, pencils, mascara, lipgloss, lipstick, and random tools.
The right drawer houses all my pigments, eyeshadows, palettes, and false eyelashes.
And I keep my brushes in a glass jar on top of the vanity.
Random shot of my little winter socks - haha :) aren't they adorable?
But this isn't how I want to keep it.
I could really use the 2 extra drawers for clothing storage as my other dresser is way too I've been thinking of what I would like to do and looking for inspiration.
This is what I've decided:
These ladies have my ideal set up as far as makeup storage goes...
Image via Sugar Magnolia
Image via Turquoise and Teale
I love Muji acrylic organizers, and one day I am actually going to take the time to pick some out and order them ;) I don't want too many, because then things can start to look cluttered. And since this is going to be out, and visible in my bedroom (until the master bath is finished) - I want it to look as "pretty" as possible!
I have been a makeup artist for years... and for awhile there, my makeup collection was totally out of control - hundreds of products that barely/never got used. But now, I focus on just buying high quality products that work the best. That doesn't always mean the high end department store brands either! There are some really great drugstore brands/products out there that I swear by! (with the exception of eyeshadow - I hate drugstore eyeshadow and will always use higher end ;)
Anyway, I have significantly downsized my collection and would like to probably get one set of drawers (maybe the 3 drawer? or 2 - 2 drawers? ugh decisions, decisions...) and one of the skinny drawer units (for pencils, mascaras, etc). Anyway...I'll be sure to post lots of pictures one I get it all done!!
What do you use for makeup storage? I always love to see how other people orgainze their collections! xx
Cleveland Rocks
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
ClevelandI am way behind on this, but here are some pictures from two weekends ago when Aaron and I spent some time up in Cleveland!
Date night on Friday was at our favorite pizza place - Yellow Brick.
They have funky pizzas and craft beer, and added bonus...they are around the corner from our house, so it literally only takes 5 minutes to walk there.

Aaron is what I call a "beer snob", who loves everything about craft beer...but the only "beer" I will drink is Crabbie's Ginger Beer ;)
One of our favorite pizzas on the menu - the Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza
If you are ever in Columbus, you should definitely check Yellow Brick out!!
On Sunday, we head up to Cleveland because we were gifted tickets to the Browns game v. the Ravens!
I had on three layers, plus a jacket, gloves, and hat - and THEN was wrapped (burrito-style) in a giant blanket. I was able to stay pretty warm, but my finger tips and toes were starting to go numb around halftime. Despite being (so) cold - we had an amazing time!! The seats were awesome (see picture below) and the Browns won was a great game!!
We had to drive all the way back to Columbus after the game since we both had to work Monday morning, so we didn't get home til after midnight (both exhausted) but it was totally worth it!
Hope you all had a great weekend! xx
November Favorites
Saturday, November 2, 2013
beautyToday I am linking up with the gorgeous Emily from Beauty and the Greek for "November Favorite Things"!

1) Winter Boots - It is already getting really cold here in Columbus and I know snow is just around the corner - so keeping my feet warm and dry (but still fashionable ;) is a must!
2) Baby Oil - for my dry skinned of my besties told me she uses this to remove makeup at night, so I tried it out and my skin has been amazinggg. It moisturizes and also gets off EVERY last bit of makeup. There is no need to scrub so much and my face is left feeling super soft and totally clean!
3) 'Tis the time of apple cider - one of my all time favorite drinks! Once November rolls around we always have at least one jug of this in the fridge. I also love Starbucks carmel apple spice...the perfect drink for a chilly day ;)
4) Gold iPhone 5s - LOVE and will be mine shortly as I am due for an upgrade!
5) Days off from work - I work at Ohio State University and November has two shortened weeks - one obviously for Thanksgiving, but I am sooo looking forward to some days off to relax!!
6) Etsy - this website is the BEST. So many amazing things...recently we found pajamas and a knit sweater for our doberman, Deedee (she gets so cold in the winter) and I already have tons of unique Christmas presents checked off for friends and family after trolling Etsy for a couple hours!
And just for kicks...
7) Graeter's Pumpkin Ice Cream - I am not a big ice cream eater....except for this time of year because my favorite ice cream place releases pumpkin and cinnamon. One scoop of each = heaven. I will probably head to get some right after finishing this post. On a totally unrelated note, I will be starting a new gym membership tomorrow.
8) Blankets - can't have enough of these around the house for the fall. I am always snuggled up under one...the bigger and fuzzier, the better!
9) Walking Dead - it's back on and Aaron and I are obsessed. It got a little dull last season, but they have definitely stepped it up this season - only 3 episodes in and already tons of drama and, of course, zombies ;)
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