New Things to Try...
Thursday, January 30, 2014
beautyTime for Five on Friday!

Stumbled across a few things lately that I'd love to try out...
1 Cotton On ~ found this website and they seem to have great basics, and right now a lot of them are on special sale, 3 for $20! Thinking about ordering these three tees...
2 Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation ~ heard great things about this, so I'm thinking of purchasing when my Revlon Colorstay runs out...has anyone used before??
3 Ray Ban Aviators ~ I've tried cheaper knock-offs, but nothing looks as good as these, no matter how hard I try ;) might just have to break down and invest.
4 Beauty Blender ~ also hearing a lot of buzz about this one! Wasn't sure how to use it at first, but I think it I would end up applying foundation with it, might be a nice change-up from the Sigma stippling brush.
5 Flora by Gucci ~ I've had a couple samples of this over the past year or so...and I always like how it smells on me, maybe my next frangrance purchase?
Winter Weekend ~ Stuck Inside
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
decorSince this past weekend was so frigid - I ended up basically staying inside the entire 2 days. Which gave me a bit of cabin fever, but honestly, I got a lot of things done that usually get put off. I had studying to do for a midterm, and then I got the house cleaned, items listed on ebay, and all our photos from 2011-2013 organized for scrapbooks (huge accomplishment!)
I am going to have the goal of getting my 2011-2012 and 2013-2014 scrapbooks done in May, when I have a couple of weeks of from school. I have all the pictures organized into pages/themes, so now I just need to go out and buy some fun paper and stickers to decorate with. Do any of you make scrapbooks or family albums? My dad has done them my whole life (basic albums, not scrapbooks ;) and we have one for every year from the early 80's all the way up to now! I love looking at them whenever I visit my parents, and it's a tradition I definitely want to continue, so I need to get working!
I also remembered to snap a couple pictures of our bedroom with all the new bedding we got over Christmas and my birthday :)
I love the way it has turned out - and Aaron wasn't too sure while I was buying each piece, but once it was all done he thought it looked great! Now all we need is a bed frame...we have one that came with our vintage bedroom set (Haywood Wakefield) but it was only a queen, and our mattress is a king. Aaron is planning on making one himself - a platform style. It was going to be a birthday surprise for me, but then the fur baby got hurt and all the $$$ went to her surgery. I would much rather have her be healthy than have a bedframe!!
Lamp - Target
Silk pillow cases - H&M
White pillows, comforter/cover, throw - Ikea
Bird pillow - TJMaxx
I also wanted to share some of the Sosie items that I ordered, since I did a post about their website a few weeks back. The items were delivered pretty quickly and I am really happy with them! I will definitely be ordering more from them in the future.
Maxi Skirt - super comfy/stretchy, this is going to be perfect for summer!
Lace top - very cute...a bit more see-thru around the middle than I expected (as you can see), but there are ways to fix that...or I might just rock it, not sure yet ;)
Either way, this top is going to be perfect with skinny jeans for date nights in the summer!
I also ordered my first tank from HRH Collection. If you don't know, Alex has been blogging and making Youtube videos for years, and she started selling her awesome jewelry a while back.
More recently, she started adding great basic pieces of clothing to her website, and I fell in love with the tanks! I ordered black first, but will absolutely be ordering other colors (cream vneck is up next). They are a great staple piece and can be dressed up with a skirt, or worn more casually with jeans. I ordered a M because I like the slightly looser, "drapey" look.

Hope you are all staying warm! I was hoping for a "snow day" since the wind chill today puts us in the negatives (last night registered at -19!!) but no such luck...
Check out the Totally Posted Tuesday link up with some awesome ladies!
Five on Friday - 1.24.14
Friday, January 24, 2014
beautyIt's that time again! Friday crept up on me this week due to the Monday off - even though the week still felt like it drug on forever ;) But no need for any more complaining, because it's almost the weekend!! Oh wait, I have class tonight to make up for Monday off...ugh.
Well, when I get to start my weekend at 9:30 pm is what's on my to-do list!
{Wear} my new down jacket! Yes, after weeks of searching / trying on / returning jackets, I have found one that works.
I went to Burlington Coat Factory over the weekend and found it in a medium, which was too big. So, I head home thinking I had been defeated, yet again...(but not before snapping a picture of the tag). Lucky me, I did a quick search of the SKU online when I got home and found the exact same jacket, but in my size, on ebay for $30! Meant to be :)
{Re-watch} this hilarious video of dogs wearing snow boots. I loose it everytime I watch this - have you ever put boots on your dog?? I would try with Deedee, but can't this winter since she has a broken ankle.
{Find} the final throw pillow needed to complete my bedset. Has this ever happened to you? Something is ALMOST perfect, but not quite. That's how I feel about my bedroom - at least as far as the bed goes. Yes, I am already aware that I am a little neurotic ;)
It needs one more throw pillow, and I think this simple one from Ikea will do the trick. Poor mum will be getting another phone call request to stop by Ikea (she lives about 15 minutes from one) - and I am always begging her to go pick up things for me - sorry Mum!! :)
{Moisturize} I need your help ladies! My skin is so incredibly dry this winter...
I know this is a problem a lot of people have this time of year, but I feel like I can't get ahead of it at all. No matter what I use, it feels dry again in 5 minutes. Any of your suggestions are appreciated! Face, body, lips...I need it all. And don't be timid because literally nothing makes me break out.
I told Aaron, I'm this close to rubbing a stick of butter on my face.
{Eat} Well, I'm going to talk about Mac & Cheese again...which makes 2 times in the past 7 days, is that too much?? ;)
Mackenzie posted a great recipe yesterday using greek yogurt and quinoa pasta that sounds delicious - healthy, but still cheesy and creamy, with a touch of spinach!
Do you have any fun plans this weekend?
Little Details
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
decorAaron had to go out of town this weekend...and I was originally going to tag along, until Deedee broke her ankle. So, since the little lady can't travel, I stayed home with her this (long) weekend and my mum came up to visit for a couple of days! We spent most of our time just sitting around and talking, but also got out a bit and picked up a few decor items for my bedroom.
One of my favorite Christmas gifts was the Buddha I got from my dad :) It sits next to my bed and is supposed to bring good luck and health, with his hand in the pose of granting a wish.
I picked up an small acrylic bubble lamp from Target for about $30 to give the room a bit more has already come in handy when I'm in bed reading a night.
My mum brought some belated birthday gifts with her - she waited to give them to me in person instead of mailing them for last weekend. One of them was this fabulous book of photographs where dancers are beautifully posed/captured in normal clothing throughout various everyday settings. I love it, and can't wait to get a minute to sit down and really look through it!
Another gift was a proper white comforter cover for our bed. It looks great, and I picked up a small accent pillow at TJMaxx this weekend, but didn't remember to snap any pictures - will be sure to this week sometime! I'm excited the bedroom is finally starting to come together.
Aaron ordered me an adorable Bip and Bop necklace from Etsy for Christmas, and the letters were a bit wonky, so we exchanged it...and the replacement came yesterday. It is perfect and I'm excited to finally wear it!
As a side note, they get an A++ in customer service - be sure to check them out on Etsy!!
I completely forgot to get a picture with my beautiful mum while she was here with me (!), so instead, I thought I'd post a throw back - one of my favorites of us.
(Holy chubbiness ;) haha
Well, that's it for today...Hope you are all having a great Tuesday Wednesday!
(I am totally thrown off over what day it is after the Monday off)
I am totally exhausted and have class tonight until 9:15 pm, which I can already tell is going to be a struggle - hello Redbull Zero ;)
...but the goal tonight is to be in bed by 10:30!!
Five on Friday - 1.17.14
Friday, January 17, 2014
decorHappy Friday! Linking up with some fabulous ladies for Five on Friday...
Find some light wash, distressed, cropped boyfriend jeans for the spring/summer.
I saw this picture on a new blog I stumbled upon (that I absolutely love) and fell in love with this outfit.
I used to have a similar pair from American Eagle, but they just didn't fit right, so I never ended up wearing them...and got rid of them last year. Now, I wish I hadn't, and just taken them to get fitted, but I'm sure I'll be able to find a pair similar to them...
Found these, which look great, but I won't be paying anywhere near $150 for a pair of ripped jeans ;)
via Shopbop
Find more of these...because they make me laugh so hard my face hurts :)
I need a new throw for our bedroom (more blankets = always completely necessary).
I have my eye on these faux fur throws from Restoration Hardware, but I know the TJ Maxx always has some good options that look really similiar to this.
Find more of these...because they make me laugh so hard my face hurts :)
Links here...and here
I need a new throw for our bedroom (more blankets = always completely necessary).
I have my eye on these faux fur throws from Restoration Hardware, but I know the TJ Maxx always has some good options that look really similiar to this.
Macaroni and cheese is my all-time favorite dish - and my current quest for healthy living leaves me without this delicously cheesy masterpiece (a little dramatic, but I do feel strongly about it ;). So, I am on the lookout for "healthy" mac & cheese recipes. I know no recipe is going to be perfect, because it's impossible to make noodles and cheese completely healthy - but I am looking for a healthier option than your typical dish.
Any good recipes to share?? :)
Head over to Macy's and find another jacket.
I mentioned in my Birthday Post that I finally found the down jacket I had been searching for that fit all my criteria...well, I lied :(
Once it came in the mail (had to order from distribution center because they didn't have xs in the store) and I put it on, I decided I didn't like it. Does this ever happen to you?? It's such a let down, especially when you are so excited about whatever it is you ordered.
So, I don't know why I didn't realize this, but it just made me look heavy due to all the stuffing and the fact that there was no shape or belt around the waist area. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to pull off a long one now that I think about any of you have down jackets? I feel like they look so great on everyone else...don't know what I should be looking for? Maybe something more like this (with a cinched waist)...what do you think?
Anyways, I'm going to return it and see if I can get lucky and find something else I like while they are still having their huge outerwear sale. Not sure there will be much left at this point though!
Hope you all have a lovely (long) weekend...I am so greatful for the extra day off because this chick has tons of homework and reading to get through!
xo Em
Birthday Weekend!
Monday, January 13, 2014
birthdayThank you for all the birthday wishes!! I had a wonderful weekend, despite having a million things to do on top of celebrating my birthday ;)
I am not a huge fan of roses, so Aaron got my a gorgoues bouquet of tulips, lillies, and I'm not sure what the wide lavendar colored flowers are - but they were my favorites. I love hydrangeas (one of my all-time favorite flowers) but unfortunately, they are not good for dogs if injested. And with our luck, Deedee would find a way to eat them!
On Saturday night we went out to Cantina Laredo, a fabulous Mexican restraunt in Columbus with amazing food. It's kind of a birthday tradition, Aaron takes me there every year. They have great margartias, and fresh guacamole made right at the table for you! And my favorite part, dessert - hot apple pie with cinnamon ice cream on a sizzling plates of brandy butter {YUM}.
We were a bit let down this year though...not by the food, but by the atmosphere. We went late, about 8 pm, and were dressed up because it is a nice place. But, apparently since last year, they have incorporated a kids menu, and every family in Columbus decided to take their kids out to eat that same night. We were sat in a room full of families which was quite annoying. Don't get me wrong, I love kids...but it was obvious we were on a date and I don't think it was very professional to seat us next to a screaming baby and toddler watching noisy cartoons on his ipad. Not romantic. Oh well, we will pick a different place next year ;)
What places to you ladies go for date nights??
Forgot to get a picture of us all dressed up for dinner, but once we got home we changed into pjs and snuggled up for drinks and a movie. Perfect night to me!
On Sunday {my actual bday} my best friend Michelle and her fiance, Jeremy stopped by and treated us to lunch! It was so great to see her...we have been best friends forever, but she is one of those people I just don't get to see enough. We realized it had been a year and a half since we last saw each other!! We are planning a lot of time together coming up soon, though since her wedding is in May!
We didn't get around to buying my succelents {that I wished for in my last post} but that will go down this week for sure :)
I did get a new winter coat though! I've been wanting a high-quality down jacket for winter since it gets so cold here. Criteria - matte black (dislike the shiny ones), long (knee length, butt covered), and no fur hood, bonus if it has a removable (non-fur) hood. Oh, and decent brand since I want it to last a long time.
All the ones I've seen have been so expensive or not quite what I was looking for...but we stopped in Macy's since they were having 50% off outerwear, and I found a perfect Calvin Klein jacket! Then, using your Macy's card, you got an additional 20% an almost $300 jacket went down to about $120 after tax. Win.
Couldn't find a picture online, I'll post one later this week :)
Finally, if you follow me on Instagram {emiliestorey} you know that this little sassafrass has been a bit naughty, and been caught regulary biting at her cast - so on goes the cone. It is hilarious, but she is instantly a super grump and follows me around endlessly, bumping me with it, trying to get me to take it off.
Did you do anything fun this weekend?? xo
Five on Friday 1.10.14
Friday, January 10, 2014
birthdayHope you are all staying warm! It has been such a cold week step-outside-and-want-to-die-cold.
We actually had two "snow days" on Monday and Tuesday - which is amazing because Ohio State almost NEVER closes. Just to put it into perspective, they have only closed for weather 9 times in the past 35 years....until this week. It was nice getting an extended weekend and having those two extra days off, but for some reason this week has still felt extremely long! But I'm happy it is once again the weekend :)
1} Breathe.
Because after tonight I have completed my first week of grad school and it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be ;) Still a bit intimidating, but I'm sure in time I will get more comfortable and confident during class.
2} Celebrate.
I turn 26 this weekend! My birthday is Sunday - so I'm excited to go out with Aaron and then see by best friend, Michelle, and her fiance...she is coming up from KY just to see me and I couldn't ask for a better present!
Fun fact: her bday is July 12th - so we are exactly 6 months apart and have half-bdays on each other's birthdays!
Holy throw back! Pretty sure this is 2006 (senior year of high school) - and is the only picture I could find of us. We have been best friends for almost 20 years and barely have any pics together! It is a crime really.
3} Read.
This technically isn't out yet, but you better believe I already pre-ordered my copy on Amazon. She is hilarious, and I've read all of her other books within hours, so funny you can't put them down!
4} List.
Clutter stresses me out, majorly. So, I've had enough with all the useless crap laying around our house and cluttering the basement, especially when none of it gets used. Speakers, bike racks, motorcycle stands, snowboarding jackets, endless pieces of technolgy, etc etc.
So...the goal this weekend is to get rid of it! And how will I do this? Ebay, of course! Why not make a little seed money in the process of de-cluttering?? Genius plan, me thinks.
5} Plant.
I got a fabulous wooden {indoor} planter from Aaron for Christmas...because he knows I love succulents and thought it would be fun for me to have them inside. For my birthday, I asked that we go to the local nursery and pick out some things to fill it with :) The planter is super modern, like a wooden puzzle - hard to describe, but I will take picutres once it has plants in it!
Side note: this is totally adorable and such a creative gift, he got major points for this one. I never would have even though of it myself.
If you don't know what succelents are...see below.
Basically, the cutest little rubbery plants - I love them :)
As always, thank you so much for reading ladies!! Will you be linking up for Five on Friday? I always love reading everyone's posts at the end of the week :)
Sosie Picks
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
clothingI stumbled across this website the other day...not even sure what got me there - but I fell in love!
I get excited when I find a new store to check out, as I get tired of always shopping at the same places/websites over and over again. Added bonus - their prices are great! Have any of you ever heard of it / shopped there before??
I made a quick collage of some of my favorite things I found on Sosie...I ended up ordering the beige maxi skirt and off-the-shoulder lace top. I'm excited to get them, and will let you know how the quality is once they arrive. They were both on sale, and with shipping the total only came to about $36. If I like the items I ordered, I will probably order the white 3/4 sleeve basic tee and maybe the gold cuff!
If you want to check them out, the website is here --> Sosie

**not a sponsored post - just a website I stumbled upon and thought I'd share :)
January Favorites - Beauty Edition
Sunday, January 5, 2014
beautyOver the holiday, I got a lot of new beauty items (some purchased / some given as gifts) and so far I am loving everything!
So, for this month's favorites I thought I would share...
1) Capricorn / Garnet Necklace from Etsy (find it HERE)
These are so adorable! She has all the Zodiac signs, and I choose to also add my birthstone (everything comes in either silver or gold).
2) Naked 2 Palette - Urban Decay
This was a Christmas gift I asked for...I have the Naked 1 and have used it a ton over the past year, so I thought it would definitely be worth it to have another.
I liked the look of the shades better in 2 instead of 3 (I don't look good in rose-shades), so that's why I picked this one over the newest release. Honestly, I have literally used this everyday since Christmas! You can easily do a day or night eye with the perfectly pigmented and silky shadows.
The Naked 2 on top, Naked 1 on bottom.
3) Clarisonic Mia
Another Christmas gift, and a life-changer! I don't know how I went so long with out this...
It has made my skin feel cleaner and softer than it has in years.
4) Bath products...
You can never have too many lotions, face and body washes! I love the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit line, but I'm most excited about trying the Lush face scrub and Aveeno Lavender products - lavender is one of my favorite scents!
5) Victorias Secret products...
These all came as free gifts / bonus items with a clothing order I placed recently. I'm excited to try out all the sample size perfumes! I know I love Dream Angels Heavenly, Bombshell, and Noir Tease...but this has 3 others for me to try too.
Will you be linking up for January favorites??
I always love reading everyones different posts!
Christmas 2013 (better late than never!)
Thursday, January 2, 2014
2013**WARNING: Pic Heavy!
Well, I'm a bit late on this...but thought I would share anyway!
We had a great Christmas :) I took vacation time - took the entire week off, which made the whole holiday so much better and relaxing! I haven't had time off since last summer, so I was due for a break to recharge.
On Dec 23rd, my parents and sister came to our house to celebrate. We had a nice dinner and Allison (who works at a bakery) brought a gorgeous Yule Log cake that her friend had made. I had to snap a few pictures before we devoured it!
I also snapped a few pictures of some of our decorations around the house...
My favorite nativity (gift from Allison last year!
On the morning of Dec 24th...we opened gifts like it was Christmas, and then decorated our traditional family cookies. I LOVE them...they are my grandma's recipe and we have been making them since I can remember.
My dad getting the icing on Santa - there is a specific way we decorate him and I can never remember...and I wanted them to be perfect :)
The final result...wintergreen trees with red hots and peppermint Santas!
Later in the day, Aaron and I found a home for the awesome artwork my sister got us. She is an art history major, who knows so many interesting local artists...and there is nothing I love more than having interesting, one-of-a-kind pieces! I was SOO excited about this gift! It's done on a piece of real wood and we hung it in the living room.
One of Aaron's favorite gifts...a print I got him of all the types of beer and some specialty beers sent from his friends in California...what a dork.
And I wanted to share this too...Aaron and I have a tradition where I get him goofy socks every Christmas. His feet are always really cold, so I started buying him big chunky knit, character socks. But they are SO hard to find for men!
So, I took my search to Etsy this year and found a girl that makes hilarious baby booties. Naturally, I had to ask her if she would make a men's size 12 (bahahaha) for an extra fee. She agreed, and I was so excited about them! And Aaron absolutely loves them :)
I didn't get a picture of him wearing them yet, but here is a shot from her Etsy page.
(She makes adorable stuff - go check her page out!)
Now picture a grown man wearing these ;)
My parents left the evening of Dec 24th and Aaron's family came over on Dec 25th.
We started by decorating some more cookies...
And then opening gifts in the evening (in our pjs of course), and Aubrey and I got the obligatory picture in front of the tree, American Girl doll included ;)
I loved reading all of your Christmas recaps and seeing your family photos - sorry I was so late on getting mine posted!
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