
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
I post this today with a heavy heart...while scrolling my Instagram feed in the morning, as I always do, I noticed a few people that I follow were posting pictures of a gorgeous little boy with the most amazing curly red hair and #redballoonsforryan. As I looked into it, wondering what it was all about, I found the story of Ryan and his parents (Jacqui and Dan)...and my heart broke into a million pieces. 

You can read the story here.

Although I did not know this family, we all know how the blogging world helps you connect with those miles away and creates a community of support. And as Jacqui's friend posted...

They need our support.
They need us to rally
They needs us to pray
to share
to love
to remember…
….. Ryan.

A simple request to support...to pray...and to not let this red-headed angel be forgotten.

It hits home because it is a reminder that nothing is certain or forever ...and we need to cherish the precious moments we have with the ones we love ...and always take the time to hug a little tighter and say "I love you" one extra time. xx


  1. I read about this sweet boy for the first time last night . My heart goes out to this family, I"ll pray for them too. Thank you for sharing these precious pictures.

  2. So, so heartbreaking. Sending many prayers!

  3. What a terrible tragedy...I can't even begin to fathom what that family is going through - but praying for them!! He's a precious angel...

  4. I saw this on Insta yesterday too. So heartbreaking and so tragic. I will definitely be in prayer for this family. I just can't fathom their pain

  5. Just read the story for the first time. That is simply devastating! I cannot even imagine what that family and all of the loved ones are going through. They are definitely in my thoughts.

  6. Thank you for sharing this. What a tragic loss. The more prayers, the better. I'll be thinking about this beautiful couple and their sweet baby who was taken much too early.

  7. I saw this too and my heart absolutely broke! Prayers for that family abundantly!

  8. This poor baby...between reading about him and super Teddy yesterday it was a heavy day.


emily kay