Happy Monday friends :)
I hope you all had a nice weekend. Our went way too fast, as always. I wanted to share a little bit about what we were up to the past couple days, along with these ridiculous pictures of my little bird. She is too much sometimes - has such funny expressions and such a goofy personality...and some how manages to get bed head, even though she doesn't have any hair!
+ Friday night we had an awesome time with some new friends, who are the parents of one of Aubrey's friends from school. They had us over for dinner and we spent hours just chatting and laughing - such a good time!
+ Marin and I didn't end up getting to go to Aubrey's soccer tournament. It was far too cold outside the entire weekend, so we had to stay home. Whomp, whomp :(
+ Due to the previously mentioned cold, I also didn't get to make it to my hair appointment on Saturday. But, I've rescheduled for a couple weeks from now, so despite the small hiccup in the plan, this mop will be tamed - longgg overdue.
+ Aaron is officially a professional bat wrangler (a term/profession I have recently coined). On Saturday night he discovered and successfully trapped and released the third bat we've encountered in our house. It was in the master bathroom (in the shower). We live in a remodeled Victorian house that was built in the late 1800's...so these suckers find their way in from time to time. Meanwhile, I stayed FAR away, as bats are the one animal that gives me the major heebie-jeebies.
+ I am currently in a foundation struggle - I can't seem to find one that I like, so my free time is spent trucking back and forth to Ulta and Sephora, purchasing and then returning foundation after foundation. If there are any dry-skinned ladies out there - what are you using and loving? Help me please!
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