Weekend Wrap-Up

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
This weekend felt so short after the long weekend and short week we just had!
Aaron and I got a lot done though, and still found plenty of time to relax before heading back to work on Monday.

Thanks to the lovely Laura at Happily Ever Parker - I found the winter coat I've been looking for!
I needed something classic for work, that will last a long time, but wasn't "boring". I feel like so many coats are just...blah. Either cheap looking, or not the exact style I am looking for...
I really wanted to find something a bit different, but that wasn't too trendy either. Always asking too much aren't I? ;)

Anyway...Laura posted this gorgeous jacket a week or so ago and I was so excited! It was even from Target (which = no scary price tag)...I couldn't get there fast enough haha! I think I went out and tried it on the next day. I ended up getting it in black (for some reason the camel color didn't look as nice in person) but I ordered it offline because there were two coupon codes - 20% off and free shipping!

It has been so perfect - I'll post some outfit pictures with it soon :)

While ordering my jacket I stumbled across the CUTEST thermal pj set - so naturally, they made it into my shopping cart as well (it's ok, there was 20% off, remember? ;)
I've been eyeing the Victoria's Secret thermal pjs for awhile, but haven't bought them yet, as they are like $60 (really? for cotton pjs?)...so I was excited that these were only $20!

If you can't tell - those a little foxes all over the leggings.
And those awesome socks are from Forever 21 ;)

Date night consisted of pizza (shocker). We got Yellow Brick again and decided to try their new special for November called "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner".

Now, I was very skeptical, because this pizza consists of some odd ingredients...chicken (duh), corn, red onion, cranberries, mashed potatoes (as the "sauce") and then gravy after being baked. But I gave it a chance because some of their pizzas that sound the weirdest, actually taste the best.

This was AMAZING. Basically, it tasted like Thanksgiving dinner on a pizza. I couldn't shut up about it and we will probably have to order it again this weekend ;)

I also grabbed myself a treat at the grocery store - something that I love, but don't each too much.
Crusty french bread, brie, and blackberry jam.
Bake the cheese in the oven until warm and melty - add some jam - dip in pieces of crusty bread.
So simple and just DELICIOUS.
You need to try if you haven't!! It's the perfect snack for girls night, my friends and I always end up making it when we get together.

Finally, just wanted to share that I made a button for my blog - it's over on the side bar if anyone wants to "grab" it! I've added some buttons of my favorite daily reads too! :))

Have a great week!! xx


  1. I'm so glad you reached out and now I have your blog on my daily reads. Love great steals and that coat looks super expensive and warm. Stop it about the pizza - amazing I am sure! And I'll definitely be adding some blackberry jam to my brie next time!

  2. Love the jacket and looove the pj set, I'm totally going to go get that for myself now!

    1. Hey girl! Hope you are having a good week! I wanted to ask you if you had a button for your blog?? I'd love to add it to my side bar of my favorite daily reads and didn't see one to grab on your page :))


  3. Yay! So happy that jacket worked for you I still need to head over there and check it out! Loving those fox PJ's too!

  4. I love everything about this post. That pizza looks unreal.. and I love that coat!

  5. I absolutely love the p.j.s and those socks! Just adorable. Lovely blog ❥

    Feel free to visit my bloggy world:

  6. Aww the slippers look so adorable. xx


  7. Great Target finds! I'm a total sucker for cute pj's!

  8. Target has been having beautiful coats lately and you can't really beat their prices! Love me some Target :)
    The picture of the pizza totally made my hungry right now :)

  9. I have a serious love/hate relationship with Target. I want everything from there! And then I am broke, haha. I love Brie cheese <3

  10. 1. that coat is really lovely, and target offers THE BEST prices for coats. that's where i get my coats every year.
    2. those slippers are supes cute.

  11. Those two coats are so perfect.

  12. BOO to that camel color not looking as nice in person because it's exactly what I'm looking for! And that pizza? Y-U-M!


emily kay